Motors designed for pump applications.

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From industrial wastewater to fire suppression systems or commercial pools, ABB’s Baldor-Reliance® Pump motors provide value by increasing system reliability and reducing maintenance costs. Utilizing energy efficient designs, our inverter duty pump motors meet the NEMA Premium® efficiency standard with wide variable torque speed ranges. Pump motor construction can be tailored for specific applications and industries such as food processing, washdown applications or explosion proof enclosures for pumps in hazardous areas.

Contact us to learn more about Baldor-Reliance® motors.

ABB Baldor-Reliance® General Purpose electric motors

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ABB Baldor-Reliance® General Purpose electric motors are available in a wide variety of construction enclosures, from industrial steel band open designs to enclosed cast iron designs – in both single and three phase – for harsh applications. Designed for “general purpose” use means that these motors can be used in many applications. The Super E motors (EM & CEM) are NEMA motors that provide NEMA Premium® efficiency and are designed as standard to be inverter duty with wide variable torque speed ranges.

Baldor-Reliance General Purpose motors are energy efficient, durable and readily available. The robust designs provide industry -leading reliability, flexibility and safety to meet the exact demands of a wide range of applications.

Contact us to learn more about Baldor-Reliance® motors.

Industrial cooling direct drive ABB Baldor-Reliance motor (and VSD)

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Industrial cooling direct drive ABB Baldor-Reliance motor (and VSD)

Industrial cooling direct drive ABB Baldor-Reliance motor (and VSD)

Simplicity. Reliability. Energy savings. Everything counts.

ABB’s Baldor-Reliance RPM AC Cooling Tower direct drive motor and variable speed drive packages for industrial cooling replace the gearbox, driveshaft and induction motor typically used in cooling towers. This combination provides high torque and low speed required for these applications without additional drivetrain components. This results in less parts, less maintenance, lower noise and reduced risks.

Direct drive motor and VSD packages can be used either in wet or dry cooling towers, air cooled condensers (ACC) of air cooled heat exchangers (ACHE). Whether you are from power generation, district energy, metals or food and beverage industry, our direct drive motor and drive packages are the perfect solution for your needs in industrial cooling.

Direct drive cooling tower motor and drive benefits:

  • Less parts, less maintenance, reduced risks
  • Reduce maintenance and improve reliability. With this package, you can remove the gearbox, gearbox cooling system, driveshaft, couplings and bearings. This means no more gearbox maintenance, no gearbox oil leaks, no cooling water contamination and no long lead times for replacement parts.
  • Same technology can be also offered in conventional, yet power dense, foot mounted designs that replaces the belt and sheave applications
  • Lowers vibration and system noise
  • Saves energy and eliminates startup current peaks and stresses from across-the-line startup. The drive smoothly accelerates and decelerates the fan to the speed needed, rather than running directly on line.
  • Anti-windmilling technology controls fan blades when the system is not operating
  • Simplified fan drivetrain alignment, only need to align the fan to the motor shaft, supported by a global service network that ensures local support, no matter where the motor and drive are installed.


ABB’s Baldor-Reliance® Severe Duty Motors 

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ABB’s Baldor-Reliance® Severe Duty Motors are designed to provide exceptional performance and long life in harsh industrial processing applications such as petrochemical plants, mines, foundries, pulp and paper plants, waste management facilities, rock crushers and chemical plants. These premium construction heavy duty electric motors include features designed to protect against contamination, moisture, vibration and demanding duty cycles.

Baldor-Reliance Severe Duty Motors have three guiding principles behind each design:

1. Safer installation:

• Rugged lifting provisions

• Oversized conduit box

2. Safer connection:

• Clamp-type grounding lug

• Permanently labeled color leads

3. Safer operation:

• Division 2 for hazardous locations

• Lead separators on all severe duty ratings protect against shorts and abrasion of power leads

• ABB Ability™ smart sensor for motors provides touch-free condition monitoring

To learn more about ABB Baldor-Reliance Severe Duty Motors, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]. You may also visit our website at

ABB Baldor-Reliance Direct Drive Motors (Video)

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ABB Baldor-Reliance Direct Drive Motors (Video)

ABB Baldor-Reliance Direct Drive Motors (Video)

ABB’s Baldor-Reliance direct drive motors – designed for cooling towers, air cooled condensers and air-cooled heat exchangers – improve reliability, reduce maintenance, run quieter and save energy. The variable-speed permanent magnet motor eliminates gearboxes, drive shafts, coupling alignment and other mechanical components of a drive system. Fewer moving parts mean more reliability. It just makes sense.

ABB Baldor-Reliance Direct Drive Cooling Tower DDCT Motor

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ABB Baldor-Reliance Direct Drive Cooling Tower DDCT Motor

ABB Baldor-Reliance Direct Drive Cooling Tower DDCT Motor. New direct drive technology. Improves reliability, reduces maintenance, runs quieter and saves energy.

By combining the technologies of the field proven and power dense AC laminated frame RPM AC motor ith high performance permanent magnet (PM) salient pole rotor designs and the matched performance of an adjustable speed drive, ABB can offer high torque direct drive motors for cooling tower applications. The direct drive solution offers the benefits of variable speed control and eliminates the cost and maintenance required for traditional gearboxes or belted solutions. The fan couples directly to the motor and is controlled by a unique AC drive to provide optimal speed and cooling tower performance that runs quieter with reduced energy consumption. The drive is designed to accommodate the most common industrial communication protocols.

  • Designed for outdoor duty to handle the extremes of 100% humidity and chemical environments
  • Prevents water ingress along the shaft
  • Motors are available with either foot or flange mount designs
  • Shaft height, diameter and flange mounting dimensions can be directly interchangeable with some existing cooling tower gearbox designs
  • High performance paint system and synthetic grease
  • Long bearing lifetime exceeding L-10 100,000 hours
  • For new or retrofit industrial cooling systems up to 650 rpm / 11,000 Nm

Motor ​features

  • Vibration pad standard for FL58XX frame motors and optional on smaller motors 
  • Thermostats are standard on all motors. Their connection is required to validate the motor’s warranty. 
  • Winding stator RTDs are standard on FL58XX frame motors and optional for smaller motors
  • Water ingress along the shaft is prevented with the slinger over Inpro seal for FL44XX and FL58XX and with V-ring slinger on smaller motors
  • Multiple bolt circles on the N-end shield for easy replacement installations

Women of ABB Philippines in BRAAMD HQ

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Women of ABB Philippines in BRAAMD HQ

Women of ABB Philippines in BRAAMD HQ

We are delighted to welcome the women of ABB. It was a productive and promising discussion as we commit to ignite BRAAMD’s role as their Channel Partner. We believe that taking this partnership in a collaborative approach will benefit our valued customers even more.

Thank you Miss Apryl Herrera, ABB Country Business Head, for your trust and support. To Miss Jielyn San Miguel and Miss Andrea Maye Frisnedi, we will definitely keep ABB Motion moving nationwide. We admire your team’s passion, drive, and tenacity.

Indeed, exciting days ahead and definitely a great way to add colors to our celebration of International Women’s Month!

ABB Baldor Reliance for Mining industry in the Philippines

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ABB Baldor Reliance for Mining industry in the Philippines

ABB Baldor Reliance for Mining industry in the Philippines

ABB Baldor Reliance provides motor solutions for reliable, safe and efficient operation in challenging and hostile environments. Together with extensive mining experience and a wide portfolio of life cycle services, ABB is well positioned to tackle the industry’s most demanding situations. Braamd Inc. serves the Philippine Mining industry, and for different applications like conveyors, crushers, excavators, fans and ventilation, feeders, mills, mine hoists, pumps, winches, and more. Please contact us for your motors requirements.

ABB’s Baldor-Reliance EC Titanium – Next generation efficiency and performance

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ABB Baldor-Reliance® EC Titanium™ Motors

ABB’s Baldor-Reliance EC Titanium – Next generation efficiency and performance

ABB’s Baldor-Reliance® EC Titanium™ motors are highly efficient integrated motor/drive systems that combine innovative, eco-friendly technologies for a sustainable, wirelessly connected solution. EC Titanium motors are available as an integrated motor/drive system or stand-alone motor unit, designed to be paired with a variable speed drive.

Learn more about EC Titanium, here: