Aerial Indoor Inspection Methodology (AIIM) - Philippines

Aerial Indoor Inspection Methodology (AIIM) Drone Training – Philippines

Flying a drone in a confined, dusty, dark and unexplored environment is job that needs knowhow and preparation. The Aerial Indoor Inspection Methodology Training will help operators prepare for these critical first missions. The Aerial Indoor Inspection Methodology (AIIM) training program is for the users/owners of the Flyability Elios 2 Drone here in the Philippines. This is a two-day course where participants are prepared for complex inspections and plant-site scenarios. Post flight and data processing are also included in the program. The course is based from the many years of confined drone inspection by BRAAMD operators and our principal. This training is for advanced pilots and operators who attended the Introductory Training. BRAAMD Inc. is a certified Flyability AIIM Training Center in the Philippines.


2 days of AIIM (Aerial Indoor Inspection Methodology) training.
2 to 3 Participants
A thorough understanding of the drone
Perform standard flights, reconnaissance flights, local inspection, systematic inspection
Learn line of sight (LOS) and first person view (FPV) flights
Readiness to perform critical missions
Tips and tricks from trainors
Learn post-process data
AIIM Certificate
Excluding travel expense and other costs

Please contact us to learn more or to get a price quotation.