Valve terminal VTUX Product Highlights

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Valve terminal VTUX Product Highlights

AP communication – the key to flexibility

Decentralized machine design requires fast and reliable communication between the distributed participants in a network. In addition, the connection to the network must be space-saving, cost-effective and as easy as possible to set up. Our valve terminal experts focused on these aspects in particular when designing the valve terminal VTUX as a participant in the AP communication network.

Clear setup enables savings

If the valve terminal layout is clear, valve positions can be grouped in a block, tubing and cable lengths are optimized and connection interfaces reduced to a minimum. This significantly reduces costs. But even if you want to keep all your options open, the valve terminal VTUX is just right for you. Because once the correct configuration has been defined, VTUX provides suitable options.

The future of machine design

Even those who are already thinking beyond the next generation of machines and the one after that, will find that the
valve terminal VTUX with AP communication technology is the right choice. It provides a platform that will remain
stable over the next few years and provide adaptable support for future developments.

A communication boost

The future with digital twins, with data evaluation using AI, sensing the condition of the machine and its components, will create a volume of data that must be transferred and processed. The VTUX is well equipped for this type of communication in terms of looping through signals internally as well as forwarding them between decentralized communication participants.

RFQ Festo Valve terminal VTUX