Reduced Downtimes Using Elios 3 Drones

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Reduced Downtimes Using Elios 3 Drones

Reduced Downtimes Using Elios 3 Drones

How can you reduce downtimes for your internal inspections?

By using an indoor drone to eliminate the need for scaffolding and to speed up your data collection.

Scaffolding can take several days to put up and take down, adding dozens of hours of downtime to the internal inspection process. Indoor drones eliminate the need for scaolding by taking the place of inspectors in collecting visual data.

Speeding up data collection can have a big impact on reducing the total turnaround time needed for an internal inspection. Indoor drones can get full coverage of an area much more quickly than an inspector can by walking or climbing in the same area, all while retaining a high standard of data quality.

Preparation for confined space entry can be time-consuming, requiring work permits, the presence of rescue teams on site, and other preparatory work that using an indoor drone can help avoid.

Indoor drones have the potential to reduce the total amount of time needed for an internal inspection by 90% — or more.