Binmaster 3D MultiVision Software

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What Makes 3D Level Measurement Different? (Video)

3D MultiVision Software

3D MultiVision is a Windows-based inventory management software for 3DLevelScanner or 3D Solids Scanner users who want easy and convenient access to data from multiple bins. MultiVision software is compatible with all versions of the 3DLevelScanner–RL, S, M, MV and MVL–enabling users to view all bins on a single screen. By clicking on a single bin, users can see detailed information including minimum, maximum, and average levels as well as a 3D map of bin contents for the MV and MVL models. MultiVision software can be accessed via a Local Area Network and multiple user accounts can be assigned to control the level of access to bin data. Managers and staff with the appropriate authorization levels can view this data wherever they are over a common LAN, WAN, or wireless communication.

For more info on how Binmaster’s 3D MultiVision and 3DLevelScanner work, please contact us or click this TAG.