BRAAMD, Inc. HQ Groundbreaking

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Today is the groundbreaking of BRAAMD, Inc. HQ.

This event is a much-awaited milestone for us as we have planned and dreamed of having our permanent HQ for some time. This will only inspire us to work harder and to serve with vigor.

We are also thankful and appreciative of the second family that we have, the BRAAMD Family.

Glory to God!

BRAAMD, Inc. – Appointed Distributor of Festo

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We are pleased to inform you that we are an  Appointed Distributor of  Festo in the Philippines. FESTO is at the forefront of industrial automation.  It has been in South East Asia around 40 years equipped with decades of global experience in automation and didactic.  

As a FESTO distributor, we can offer very competitive pricing, fast delivery, , warranty, and after-sales support to our customers.   Attached are the FESTO Brochure and Certificate of Distributorship  for your review.  We are very eager to conduct online, virtual, or on-site product presentations at your most convenient time.

Elios 2 Versus Other Commercial Drones

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For enclosed, confined spaces inspection, Elios 2 is the best commercial drone for the job. This is the best “caged” collision-tolerant drone in the world. Using cheaper commercial drones not designed for inaccessible places and critical inspections can put the asset, the plant and workers at risk. Very few safety officers, perhaps none, will allow sending other commercial drones inside tunnels, mines, manholes, sewers, chemical tanks, refineries, boilers, heat exchangers, turbine facilities, silos, stacks, pressure vessels, nuclear facilities, etc.  Elios 2 is specifically designed for hazardous, confined-space environments.

There are other commercial drones in the market but none specifically designed like Elios 2.  It is purposely built for industrial inspection, designed and manufactured by top-notch professionals in Switzerland. Other commercial drones may have high resolution cameras, others may have thermal cameras, some have propeller protection, some with longer flight time, but no drone offers the complete set of features like the Elios 2. The package includes a rugged case, toolkit, spare batteries and parts, ready for deployment any given time. Elios 2 is equipped with 10,000 lumens lighting, dustproof and oblique lighting designed for close quarter and even dark inspections. Elios 2 is designed with all aspects of industrial inspection considered: high quality data gathering, shockproof payload, total weight, intelligent stability, signal transmission in confined spaces, flight time, technology advanced lighting system, protective framing, distance lock and more. When considering safety, efficiency and data quality for industrial inspection, Elios 2 is the commercial drone you need.

The processing of data is where Elios 2 again delivers compared to other commercial drones. Elios 2 has bundled apps – Cockpit and Inspector. Operators can use cockpit software to document their data as they carry out inspection. The Inspector installed on the laptop allows the operator to view the high resolution video, get still images, see Point-of-Interest, study data, create thorough reports and later act on the data gathered. There are other commercial drones in the market but Elios 2 is the best and complete solution for industrial inspection.

Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines – Western Batangas Chapter Presentation

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We’d like to thank the IIEE – Western Batangas Chapter for inviting us in their activity last February 6, 2021. To the newly elected officers and new members, Congratulations Sir/Maam. We hope to continue to be a part of your events, continue to understand and somehow be a contributor to the group’s mission and vision.

In the event, we presented three of our products, the Everexceed Industrial Batteries, Tormin Industrial Lighting and the Flyability Elios inspection drone. All of which offer great benefits and will tremendously help in the maintenance and operation of any plant here in the Philippines.

Braamd Inc. is the appointed partner of Flyability in the Philippines

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elios 2

Braamd Inc., is the appointed partner of Flyability in the Philippines. Flyability is a Swiss company building solutions for the inspection and exploration of indoor, inaccessible, and confined spaces. They build the ELIOS drones, the best indoor inspection drone in the world. We will post official press release about this great development in the coming days. Time to fly!