Introducing BRAAMDrones!

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Introducing BRAAMDrones!

Introducing BRAAMDrones!

What is BRAAMDrones FB Page?

It is BRAAMD Inc.’s dedicated page for our commercial, industrial, enterprise drones and various inspection solutions. It will also be another platform for all things drones, for Webinar Series, Virtual Presentations, Live Technology Discussion, and Online Demonstration. BRAAMDrones will allow us to directly engage and connect with the targeted drone clients, users, and enthusiasts.

Why make another “BRAAMD FB Page?”

We do not want to do daily drone post on a corporate FB page. Enterprise drones is a targeted market characterized by niche users and followers. We will be able to serve and cater the market better with a dedicated “drone” page.

Follow and like, BRAAMDrones for enterprise drones, inspections, mapping, surveying, and updates on emerging technology solutions.

Also, we will give away ten (10) DJI T-shirts, when we reach 200 followers! Follow us now.

BRAAMD Inc. is an Authorized Dealer of DJI Enterprise Drones in the Philippines.

Let’s go! Let’s fly!