Gorman-Rupp Submersible Dewatering Pumps S Series Wide base
More than ever, Gorman Rupp continue to update their factories, processes, research and development and engineering to ensure that our pumps and systems are among the most reliable and efficient in the world.
Whether suspended above the soft, murky bottom of a cofferdam or churning away deep inside a strip mine, tunnel or quarry, Gorman-Rupp S Series Widebase submersible dewatering pumps tackle the big jobs.
Where large solids passage is not required, these versatile models offer high-head, high-volume operation and stand up to the worst conditions. S Series Widebase submersible pumps
are built to operate quietly, effectively and safely. The wide, solid base helps prevent pumps from turning into the ground or pumping into a hole.
For more information about the Gorman Rupp Dewatering Pumps you can contact and email us at [email protected] or [email protected]