DJI Enterprise Drones Applications in Mining

An efficient haul road network is crucial to a successful mining operation. A mine’s structure constantly changes, meaning haul roads need to be regularly corrected and optimized to maintain productivity and safety. Drones can gather a considerable amount of aerial data, accurately mapping large areas, so engineers can plan and construct safe and uniform haul roads which can then be continually monitored.

Mining sites are complex and can be dangerous, so workers’ safety is a priority. Drones enable surveyors to identify errors, possible dangers and weaknesses faster. A drone’s capabilities, the use of high-resolution and thermal imaging, can detect faults or potential hot-spots that can be rectified before they cause delays or accidents.

Protecting mining equipment, property, and resources is an important, yet challenging task. Drones are able to secure perimeters and safeguard equipment, detecting suspicious activity and alerting security staff. Being airborne is also advantageous when coordinating with emergency services if they are required, by safely directing response vehicles around the site.

A significant challenge for mining companies is to manage the stockpiles, where volumes are large and regularly change. Drones enable mining operators to produce aerial terrain models of their inventory so they can efficiently manage and oversee stockpile movement. These models can be generated with little effort and without the need for highly trained operators.