Pressure relief valves (PRVs) are some of the most important pieces of equipment in your plant. PRVs purpose is to control control or limit surges of pressure within pipelines, they protect the systems from overpressure. Events that can damage your systems and your plant. Thus, every plant owner is advised to establish a definite time interval between inspection for every pressure relieving device on the operating equipment in order to assure proper performance, plant integrity and safety. Eventually, it depends on the service conditions, valve condition, level of performance desired or by regulation of local authority.
Over time, Ventil has developed a standard line of PRV test equipment for and by ‘blue-chip’ end user workshops, service- & maintenance companies and PRV manufacturers, all over the world. Ventil is recognized as ‘Best-In-Class’ equipment manufacturer meeting international requirements/standards. For support of your existing Ventil test equipment or for RFQ of a new one, please contact, we’ll be happy to serve your requirements.
Visit: www.ventil.nl