KSB Valves and Pumps Distributor

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KSB Valves and Pumps Philippines

Braamd Inc. is an authorized distributor of KSB Pumps and Valves in the Philippines. We can supply KSB valves/pumps for new projects, and equivalent or replacement KSB products as well.

Covered industries are:

  • Process Industries (Chemical, Petrochemicals, Oleo chemicals)
  • Building Services (Air-conditioning, Fire-Fighting)
  • Sugar, Food Industry, Canning, Paper and Pulp
  • Marine
  • Waste Water and Water Supply (Sewerage, Drainage & Irrigation, Raw Water Supply, Aquaculture)
  • Power plant and utilities
  • Semicon and Electronics
  • Oil & Gas
  • Mining

Our Sales & Application Engineers can help you in sizing, provide proper pump selection, and can provide general consultation as well. We also have Service Engineers and Technicians who can do commissioning, installation, and supervision. Contact us please and learn how our team can help your fluid transfer and fluid control requirements.