In photo: Fifish Underwater Drone.
For recreational, industrial, fishing, exploration, cinematic use and more.
Wide range of Fifish models to choose from, from consumer and personal to enterprise applications:
Fifish V6s – 4k underwater drone with enhanced battery capacity
Fifish V6 – 4k camera and VR head tracking control
Fifish V6 Expert – 4k underwater drone and subsea productivity solution
Fifish PRO V6 Plus – enterprise grade and small sized OMNI 4K smart underwater rov, 150 meter depth rating
Fifish PRO W6 – 350 depth rating enterprise underwater drone
Fifish PRO Zen1 – Professional class cinematic underwater ROV platform
Please contact us to request for demo and to learn about the possibilities, uses and benefits of Fifish underwater drones.
Email: [email protected]