Cement company uses Elios 3 for stockpile measurement

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Cement company uses Elios 3 for stockpile measurement

The Elios 3 comes with a LiDAR sensor, allowing it to collect highly precise data while in flight, and used for stockpile measurements for clinker inventory.

Benefits of Elios 3:


In 30 minutes—10 minutes for data collection and 20 minutes for post-processing with GeoSLAM Connect—plant operators were able to create an accurate stockpile measurement for the clinker.

Operating in dusty environments

The Elios 3’s 3D Live Map made it possible to fly inside the silo despite the poor visibility due to the high amount of dust.


The accuracy of the stockpile measurement was much more reliable than the accuracy obtained using the traditional method, which consists of standing on a platform in the silo and using a pole to estimate the amount of clinker in the silo.

Please check full use case here.

To request for ELIOS 3 quotation, please click here.